A Beloved Lithuanian Children’s Classic in Verse by "Vytė Nemunėlis"
Bernardas Brazdžionis is one of the most famous and beloved 20th century Lithuanian poets. Written under his pen name, "Vytė Nemunėlis", this charming book, a favorite among Lithuanians worldwide, tells the story in verse of the "Rudnosis" (Brown Nose) Bear Family: parents, "Rudnosis" (Mr. Brown Nose) "Rudnosienė" (Mrs. Brown Nose) and their precocious son, "Rudnosiukas" (Little Brown Nose).
We get a glimpse of the Rudnosis' family's daily life in the forest, including their misadventures, when Rudnosis gets attacked by bees while looking for honey and Rudnosiukas gets lost in the forest while mushroom-picking with his mother.
In the patient, hard-working, and loving example of Rudnosis and Rudnosiene, and the obedience of Rudnosiukas, there are lessons enough for both parents and children.
The book concludes with Rudnosiukas drifting off to sleep while listening to a bedtime story, "When angels bring dreams to children," Nemunėlis writes.
No wonder this bestseller is a bedtime favorite for multiple generations of little Lithuanian bears and their parents.
Language: Lithuanian, 22 pages. Soft Cover
Author/Autorius: Vytė Nemunėlis
Illiustrator/Iliustratorė: V.S. Stancikaitė
Format/Fromatas: Hardcover, 22 pages
Publisher/Leidejas: JAV LB Svietimo Taryba
Language/Kalba: Lithuanian